Gummy Production
Gummy supplements and medications have gained popularity in the pharmaceutical industry due to their convenience and pleasant taste. Gummy production machines are essential for efficiently manufacturing these chewable products. iPharMachine is a leading provider of high-quality gummy production machines for the pharmaceutical industry. With a diverse range of machines designed to meet various production needs, iPharMachine is the go-to source for pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Halbautomatisches, fußbetriebenes Bonbon-Ablage- und Formset CTG-S80
Bei dieser Verarbeitungslinie handelt es sich um eine fortschrittliche kontinuierliche Anlage, die für die Herstellung verschiedener Arten von Geleebonbons geeignet ist. Die Maschine verfügt über eine kompakte Struktur, stabile Leistung und bequeme Steuerung. Es handelt sich um eine ideale Ausrüstung, die nicht nur Arbeitskräfte und Platz spart, sondern auch qualitativ hochwertige Produkte produziert.

Gummy Candy Production Line
The gummy candy line was specially innovated by our R&D department according to the market, which can produce gummy with multiple shapes and variety colors on base of advanced technology process.
Empfohlene Produkte

Containment Automatische Kapselfüllmaschine SFK-703

Containment Automatische Kapselfüllmaschine SFK-703

Our Team
As an expert in the pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical packaging industry, iPharMachine has provided solutions for hundreds of pharmaceutical and health product manufacturers for 17 years. By visiting customers, we get good reviews from our customers.
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